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Modern Day Rebels

Jun 29, 2020

This week joining me is Callum Goodwilliam, a Senior Programme Manager for General Assembly, who shares how he forged a career he truly loves.

I met Callum a little over a year ago and I was immediately impressed by the way he intentionally approaches every project and his supportive leadership style.

It’s clear Callum loves his job but it wasn’t just by coincidence that he ended up in this role. He’s worked hard to understand what works best for him, so I was keen to dig further into this evolution to uncover the how and why of how he got there.

Starting his career in the arts and later falling in love with improv, Callum realised he could transfer parts of his interests and skills into a meaningful career in the tech industry.

Although it wasn’t a career path he imagined for himself reflecting on this now, he can see all junctures that lead him there based on his passions and values.

If you’re thinking about making a career change and aren’t sure where to start or how to take the expertise you have and apply them to a new role or industry, then this is the episode for you!

Book recommendations:


General Assembly:


Callum Goodwilliam:


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